Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Stairway to . . . the second floor

When Steve and I bought the house we had no idea that we were going to change out a stair case.  I'm not even sure I knew you could.  But you can!  We had this ugly staircase inclosed with sheetrock.  Soon we will have this wonderful open staircase with walnut stairs, metal railing and cable stringers.  The amazing part is with their design we went from a less than 36" stair all closed in to an open stair of 44" without changing the landings.  Thank you J&J Stairs.


  1. Looks like a stairway to heaven to me! :-) Beautiful - I like the cable stringers, alot. Happy Thursday, Susan - Tanya

  2. It is going to be so nice when finished-can't wait to see everything finished!
