Monday, January 19, 2009

The Flat Belly Diet Book

So maybe to look at me you think I don't need to be on a diet; but everyone needs to eat healthier.  My husband; Steve heard about a new book called "Flat Belly Diet" written by the editors of Prevention magazine.  One of my favorite cookbooks is also by Prevention magazine so I thought we should give it a try.  The basis of the book is to eat four 400 calorie meals a day, never starving yourself, drinking sassy water and adding MUFA's to every meal.  Sassy water is water with grated ginger, sliced lemon and cucumber and mint leaves added.  The taste takes a bit of getting used to but is designed to aid in digestion and helping you feel full.  This really does work - I feel less hungry when I'm drinking the water several times a day.  MUFA is an acronym for monounsaturated fatty acids.  This is the good fat found in oils, nuts and seeds, olives, avocados and dark chocolate.  A diet book that tells you to eat dark chocolate; thats for me!Our bodies require fat but too much of the fat in our diets is the wrong fat.  There is tons of information in the book explaining how you can ward off cancer, adult diabetes and even Alzheimer's disease by eating healthier.  

1 comment:

  1. "This is the good fat found in oils, nuts and seeds, olives, avocados and dark chocolate"
    Wow how cool is that diet! I have been known to eat a whole can of olives by myself! But I dont think that is what they want you to do, and avacados sure taste great in gaucamole but then you have to have the tortilla chips to go with it...uh I think I will fail this eating healthy lifestyle..back on my treadmill..Will check the book out next time I am in the bookstore just in case!
